Why do you need a site for your event
An Event Website is Your One-Stop Shop for All Event Information. I’m a firm supporter of event websites simply because it curates all your information in one place. It’s hard to have bits and pieces of information in different places, which requires your attendees to kook for all the information by themselves. That can cause a lot of miscommunication and confusion. Though you can communicate event updates through different social media channels—Facebook posts, Instagram live, etc. It’s best to give your event a little home on the web where you can place everything your participants need to know. You can upload the latest posters, announcements, and even changes your event has gone through. Your participants can also browse your event website for the program, list of speakers, workshop topics, and other event info. You can also integrate a registration form and ticket sales page into your event website. These days, most people like doing things online, so they don’t have to go through the hassle of picking up their tickets somewhere else. When attendees buy tickets directly from your event website, it feels more personalised. They also won’t need to worry about the hassle of picking up tickets elsewhere or being redirected to a third-party site that feels a little bit scammy.
An Event Website Builds Excitement Around Your Event
An event website doesn’t just help provide information about your event, but it also showcases your company or organisation’s brand. It’s a powerful tool that stirs excitement and causes some noise. Think of an event website as a marketing weapon you wield to build buzz around your event. It may take some time to set up, but when it is running smoothly, it will leave an impact on your participants, partners, and sponsors.
An Event Website Focuses on Your Event Alone
The challenge with social media and other channels is that they can be so cluttered that your attendees miss out on important announcements and details. Scroll through Facebook to check out the latest updates from an event you’ll be attending in a few weeks, and you’ll find yourself distracted with a funny video or some cute puppy pics. Event websites, however, are all just about the event. It gives your participants and other website visitors a laser focus on what is happening in your event without getting distracted by anything and everything else.
An Event Website Showcases Your Partners and Sponsors
When running an event with partners and sponsors, you want to highlight them without making it seem awkward by constantly uploading their logo on social media posts. With your own event website, you can give your partners and sponsors a little space of their own where they can talk about their product or service and what they do. Participants who want to know more can click around and engage with them directly, something your partners and sponsors will appreciate. When the event day comes, your participants are already familiar with your partners and sponsors and can have fun visiting booths and interacting with the people behind them.